Sunday, May 29, 2005

Did that just happen?

Went for a great LSD ride yesterday, just under 3hrs of mostly flat but some rolling hills, rode with Ian, Greg, Mike and Charles. It was a beautiful day, sunny and about 18 degrees. Pace wise I kept it easy for the first hour and then stepped it up to about 150hr for 2 hrs or so, it was great…felt really good, right into full threshold for the last 6km and a final sprint. It was the perfect workout.

But that’s not all…

At about 1h45m Ian flatted so we pulled over on this country road to fix it. About 2mins into fixing the flat this 4dr pickup pulls up “you guys ok?” we all look inside and see the truck is filled with 7 young women. They look very happy to see us (and a little tipsy) and proceed to park the truck and pile out onto the road. “I’ve never felt a cyclists legs…let’s see your butts!!” they say. They pull out cameras and we get us to pose with with for a bunch of photos. They say “we’re from Windsor and we’re up here for a girls gone wild weekend!” They are obviously having a good time and we all smile, laugh and keep this type of banter going for 5-10mins, as Ian finishes his tire. As we are getting back on the bikes, they all get back in the truck and two of them sit out of each back window. 1...2…3….they flash us as the truck peels away!

Can easily say that was a first, not something you expect to find on a country road!

As we got rolling I turned to Charles and said “did that just happen?” :)

Wish I would have had a camera ;) so there would be some proof!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Long weekend = lots of riding

On Saturday did a 3hr long steady distance (LSD) ride with Todd and Charles. We went from Oakville to up and around Kelso. Lot’s of rolling hills with a couple of climbs. On the way back Todd and I stepped it up and whoa what a rush to do close to 50km/h over a rolling downgrade for about 10mins, I literally felt like I was flying....

On Sunday, got together with Todd, Mike and Steve and rode Kelso mtb for about 2hrs. It was a fun day. I led for most of it and held a pretty good pace. We only did the big climb once, spent the rest of the time on all the technical stuff (mostly extreme trail) . A new thing for the group was to ride all obstacles: little ramps, balance beams, etc. Nothing too high and no big drops (don’t think my Giant NRS could handle it). Really enjoyed doing this, riding the obstacles helps to improve technical skills. During the last downhill Mike went over this loose log jump and got a bunch of speed into a rooted 2-3ft drop, he held on and nailed it. I came down behind him (no drop for me) and then followed him down the rest of a snake and ladder section – it was so cool to watch as he dialed the whole section.

Today Ian, Steve and Ian went up to Hardwood Hills to pre-ride the upcoming Canada Cup race. It was a little cool, but a great day to ride. First lap was easy and then did about 75% to 85% race pace for two laps. The course is nice, mostly the same as the provincials last year, lots of up and down single track. None of the climbs are too long and the downhill sections are pure adrenaline. Looking forward to race day : - )

Fitness wise today was really good. I felt nice and strong and my recovery seems to be shortening. I can keep a good pace and recover quickly after climbs and sprints. I intentionally took it easy yesterday to see what I would be like today. I was happy with how my capacity is building up.

This week I’m going to do two hill interval workouts and then an LSD ride on Saturday. The following week I’ll do one hill workout and one medium effort with sprints, the Saturday before the race doing and hour ride with short sprints. I think this should set me up nice for the Hardwood race. Yummy, looking forward to it!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Ocup #2 Albion Hills - Race Journal

This was the second Ontario Cup, it was an enduro format that means it was longer than your typical race – about 47km. I went in thinking I would finish in 2hr30mins.

After the first Ocup, I didn’t really work out until Thursday and only had about 1h15min ride (Elis climbing loops). Then I had two good days up at Albion the weekend prior to the race. The week before I only rode one day (Thursday) for 30mins really easy. Work was very busy and I couldn’t get the time in. Although I rode Albion the weekend before, I didn’t pre-ride the actual course. Coming into race day I did feel very rested and ready to rock…but probably too rested to have a really good race.

Note: during the week leading up to the race try and keep the activity level up, limit the intensity to sprints and make sure you are fresh for race day, but inactivity and complete rest will not help you perform better.

Food plan seemed to work perfect. The one big change I made was to hydrate as much as possible during the days leading up to the race. This combined with the carb/protein diet provided all the energy required. I drank a bottle of Eload during my warm-up, took two advils and a caffeine gel. During the race I didn’t gel until about the 1hr mark (mistake), but then pretty consistently every 30mins after that.

The Race
My training broke just as I was about to start my warm-up. The result was that I had to ride around on the road and try to get it in this way. At the time I didn’t think much of it, just that I was “saving” my legs for the long race. This combined with the limited riding leading up to the race really took its toll on me during the first 30mins.

When I lined up for the start I was really concerned. In past expert class races I always ended up in a good position off the line so I wasn’t worried. However, this course had some tight turns and steep climbs right out of the gate. Because I didn’t pre-ride or even look at the start I didn’t know this. So, off the start I was behind some people and I got held up going up the climb and had a poor position behind some slower people going into the single track.

Note: Always know the start and how the first 10mins of the race will line up. I have the capacity to hold with the pack when pacing and have to ensure I’m in a good position prior to single track. For the next race, get a good position first and then hold according to plan, if people come by you that’s fine, but don’t ride in the back of the bus.

So after the start the first 30mins of the race were very painful, my lower back, my legs, my head…I was a mess. Not riding and not warming up certainly had a negative effect on me. During this period I came out into a double track section and dropped my bottle and I stopped and jumped off to grab it (can’t loose a bottle!) – this was purely because of my state, I was not clear headed at all.

After about 30mins I started to feel better and began to flow, riding clean and keeping my momentum. At about 2hr 15mins I passed 4 guys and was feeling really good, but then took a corner a little fast, drifted into a tree and stepped off. The guy behind me then came into my derailleur and screwed up the setting. All 4 zoomed by me and I couldn't chase because my gearing was mucked. This was disappointing mostly because I had to run the final set of climbs and loose more time.

During the race my legs held out pretty good with just a little cramping near the end and I was pleased with my fitness (after the first 30mins of hell).

Race Stats
Place: 22nd
Time 2hr 30min 56 sec

Lap 1 - 1h13m
Lap 2 - 1h17m

Max HR: 181
Ave HR: 166

Results on Chico Racing

What did I learn from this race?

  • Maintain activity levels leading up to race weekend, resting too much will hurt you
  • A structured warm up is key to have performance out of the gate
  • Eat a gel every lap – you need it
  • Get a better start position off the line and a better position into the first set of single track
  • For an average length race look to hold HR closer to 170

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Todd in the after lap haze

Todd in the afterburn haze
Originally uploaded by dheaps.

Had the second Ocup of the season today, it was at Albion.

I finished is 2hr 30mins and it hurt. I'll write more soon about what I learned, but for now check out all the photos here:

Monday, May 09, 2005

Feel the burn

Fire at the camp site
Originally uploaded by dheaps.

This coming weekend is the Albion Enduro, going to be just shy of 50km single track.

Think I should finish in about 2hr 30mins or so. We went and rode the course during the weekend, going to be a sweet ride.

This pic was taken last year at Hot August Nights at Albion. 24hr racing is so cool.

Feel the burn.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Ocup downhill photo

Just found this nice photo on Spec Image. These guys come to all the races and take pics of everyone. Sometimes they get come good shots. Here's a bunch more of yours truely.

If you want to see other photos go to this page and enter the plate number you want to see.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ocup #1 Mansfield - Race Journal

Race Journal

Leading up to the race my prep was not very structured. I put very little time in two weeks prior, the weekend prior only rode 1 hr and only 1 hr during the previous week. On the Friday before the race we pre-rode and I rode one lap at about 80%. This was too much too early in the season. On Sat night I could feel my legs and was thinking “oh no”. I think this contributed to the cramping late in the race (see below).

Food wise everything worked out perfect I think, I ate a high carb and protein diet the days before. Morning of I ate breakfast, a little coffee and a pasta w/chicken lunch at 11am. I never felt hungry and felt I had the energy for the race. However in hindsight I think that I could have hydrated more effectively over the days leading up to the race – this could also be connected to the cramping.

The Race
My plan for the race was to hold my heart at 165 to 172 and ride a clean race throughout. During the first two laps (1hr) I held at this pace and my position was somewhere around 10th. I was comfortable at this pace. Heading into the 3rd lap I began to feel my legs and backed off slightly to try and conserve for the final climbs. During the forth lap at 1hr 40mins my legs where cramping whenever I stood up. Coming into the final set of climbs and at 1hr50mins my legs went into full cramp. I dug deep and worked through them up a steep granny climb, I thought I would be able to recover during a break in the climb but that didn’t happen. I had to get off and walk up the climb, had to do the same during the 2nd last climb (losing lots of places and putting close to 3 mins into my time). After this there was enough time for me to spin the cramps out and I was fairly strong during the final climb, downhill and finish.

During the cramping I felt a new level in my right quad, an electric feeling – very strange odd. During this period my HR stayed elevated in the 165+ zone, which I was pleased with. I think this is a good indication of my overall fitness. I think the cramping is due to the lack of intensity training, coupled with not being fully rested (due to Friday’s ride) and poor hydration.

Note: Be sure to use the pre-ride to learn the course. You don’t need to ride through it fast to get a feel at speed. Learn the course and keep your legs as fresh as possible for race day. No hard & sustained efforts from Thursday till the race.

Training wise I’m going to focus on higher intensity work for a minimum of 2 hrs. I think my body needs to be working for that amount of time. Also going to increase hill work as this was really lacking in early season, need to balance this with lots of rest and stretching (yoga).

Race Stats
Place: 19
Time: 2:05:44.61
Lap 1 - 29m08
Lap 2 - 30m07
Lap 3 - 31m33
Lap 4 - 34m56

Max HR: 184
Ave: 167

What did I learn in this race?
  • Hydrate better leading up to the race
  • Having structured work during 2 weeks prior to the race is key
  • Limit intensity efforts during pre-rides
    Make sure your legs are fresh for race day

Monday, May 02, 2005

Results from Ocup #1

Results from Sunday now online at Chico Racing's web site.

Here's my stats from the race:
Place: 19
Time: 2:05:44.61
Lap 1 - 29m08
Lap 2 - 30m07
Lap 3 - 31m33
Lap 4 - 34m56

Max HR: 184
Ave: 167

Journal is to come, but overall I'm pretty pleased with my performance. Without the miles leading up to it I knew my legs would cramp. You can really see it from the times. With some more training I should be able to hold the pace from the first 2 laps all the way through. More to come soon.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Ocup#1 Mansfield

Darrell (me) on the downhill
Originally uploaded by dheaps.

Before I post my journal from the race today (still have to write it), I thought I'd post a couple of pics from the race. This first one is a pic of me on one of the last big downhills. Pictures don't do the speed justice (honestly, I was going fast!)

The day turn out great, very little rain and mostly sunny. Besides my legs cramping at aroung 1hr 50mins the race went fantastic. More to come when I post my race journal.

Here's a bunch more photos from today: