Sunday, February 27, 2005


Originally uploaded by dheaps.

I was uploading some more photos to Flickr, and I thought I'd blog this one - cause Doogan is just too damn cute.

I promise, I'll get back to mountain biking soon.


Originally uploaded by dheaps.

This is a shot from last summer, in Collingwood, ON. This is an access trail to one of the best trails in Ontario called 3 stages. The great thing about the trails up there is how high the canopy is in certain places. Just beautiful.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Over the weekend my dad lent me a copy of Tony Robins “unlimited power”. I took it out after work today and opened it up to page 64, the page my dad had left the bookmark in. I don’t know if he intended to give it to me with this page marked.

First couple paragraphs are interesting; it speaks about believing in yourself and if you believe you will fail, you will. If you believe you will succeed, you will. There was a quote that I liked:
“Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees.” J. Willard Marriot
Thought this was a really interesting perspective. It’s along the same lines as “A box that is easy to open, holds no treasure.” but I like the idea of strength. Strength of the body. Strength of the mind. Strength of your potential.

Just like a tree blowing in the wind. The resistance of the wind is like your adversaries in life. The challenges. The tide against you. Fighting for it day after day makes you a stronger person.

I like that.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Running in the night

Running in the night
Originally uploaded by dheaps.

This is a shot from a 24hr race last summer. Racing at night is an amazing feeling. It's very zen...all you can see is the trail in front of you and the blinking lights of the next rider you are planning to pass. The forest is quite and it's complete tunnel vision.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Todd vs. The Rock

Originally uploaded by doogan.

Can you guess who won?

Monday, February 14, 2005

Fire at the camp site

Fire at the camp site
Originally uploaded by doogan.

This is a great shot of Ian at the camp site during Hot August Nights 24hr race. It was last summer. I can't wait until this season.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Winter training blues

Althought I try to convince myself that I enjoy riding indoors, you know really does suck. I've had some ideas on how to make it more enjoyable but still nothing is going to replace the feeling of riding through a forest, feeling the sweet mix of flow, pain and speed. I can't wait until we call all do that again soon.

Think I'm going to post some pics from last season soon. Maybe it'll help tide this winter training blues.