Ontario Cup 7 – Hardwood - Provincial Championships
Seeing as how bad Mansfield went two weeks previous I focused on preparing for this race in the same manner that I had all the other O-cups. The weekend before I rode the course with Todd on both Sat and Sunday. Riding a total of 3 race pace laps. During the week leading up I put in about 4 hours – all at an easy pace – sprints on Sat.
Food wise, I also included more protein into my carb loading phase. This seemed to work out quite well. I also ate a carb/protein breakfast at 10am. Overall I felt like I had a lot of gas throughout the race.
Note: eating this way was key for a 1:00pm start. I ate very little until 10 and then ate a full protein/carb lunch (whole wheat pasta, chicken, veggies)
Because Todd’s race is at 10:30, this time I only went to the feed zone each time he came through. I spent the rest of the morning resting in the truck and taking it very easy. For my warm up I spent 20 mins on the trainer, and only got up to 150. I wanted to save as much energy as possible.
Note: at the beginning of the race my legs did hurt, I probably could have used a bit more intensity in the warm up. This would have helped the start.
The race:
My plan for this race was to keep a consistent pace throughout and to ride with the trail and my HR. Don’t worry about people passing me or me passing people. Just stick to my own world. This is the way I always raced before – I need to come back to it.
Off the start I lined up at the back of the pack (new for me) and my plan was to stay in contact with the group as much as possible but to keep my HR under 175 for the lap and try to keep it closer to 170.
By about ½ way through the 1st lap (of 4) I was feeling pretty good. I learned during the race to ride the wheel of other riders. There is definitely a draft effect and also a mental effect. I would stay with them until I saw my HR drop down to 168 or so, if that happened I would then plan to pass and if it stayed low then I would go by them and try to bridge up to the next rider – where I would then sit on until my HR would either go too high and I would back off (which never really happened) – or I would bridge up to the next rider.
That was the story for pretty much the whole race, I kept my heart around 170 to 172 and never felt that I was running out of gas. I felt like I was on a pace that was around 90% - at the end I felt I could have went a little faster – but not much – more than that I was pleased to control and ride my own race.
Note: At one point two guys went by me. For a second I felt that I could have went with them because my HR was in check. I hesitated and didn’t go and stayed where I was. I think that I could have went with them and hung their wheels for a while – I was quite nervous about hitting the wall. As I race in more of these I will know how much I can give over 2 hrs.
I crashed in a corner moving slow at around 1hr 20mins – and wow did it ever hurt. It really slowed me down for a bit and I lost a couple of places. On the last climb – at around 2hrs I had some pretty serious leg cramping. I just kept my head down and worked through it – although this cramping is a symptom of not training past the 2 hr mark – something to plan for in the future.
Note: Cramping also may have occurred due to lack of hydration. To inhibit this I should have my largest bottle last – and include 3 scopes of 3 load. On that note: I also gelled every lap during the race and I think this helped keep the gas going.
In the end I was 10th place – which I’m happy with and 2mins out of 4th (9min 30sec out of 1st)- with more experience I think I have it in my to trim 2mins out of 2hr and 15mins.
Lap 1 35m43 (includes prologue)
Lap 2 32m19
Lap 3 33m45
Lap 4 33m15
What did I learn in this race?
- I enjoy racing at this level
- Stick to your game plan when preparing
- Use road tactics off road makes me faster
- Have to ride my own race
- Consume gels during the race to keep the tank full
- Use a large bottle on the last lap and make it extra eload – help to inhibit cramping
Looking forward to next year J
Ontario Cup 6 - Mansfield Enduro
Today was my first expert class race. I can certainly say it was an experience.
Lead up to the race
Week before rode Kelso road for 2.5hrs and then 100K loop up in Collingwood. Both great rides, then I pre-rode the course (only 17K - out of 28K) on Wed During the leading up to last week I was thinking of this race as a training ride. Although during the week I changed my mind and wanted to do well. Probably a little to late. Drove to Ottawa on Friday morning for a Wedding, had 5 drinks that night (and a great time with Colleen) and then drove home on Sat. I was quite tired, tired to go to bed early.
Note: Already know this but training hard (2 heavy days) is not good the week before. Longer rides are ok, but keep the effort easy with sprints.
Had pasta the night before and tied to drink a lot of water. Felt hungry though. The morning us I had some granola bars and a banana, scones, coffee, cliff bar. Because the race was at 1:00 I was not sure what to eat. I felt pretty scattered on this.
Note: Talk to other riders and see how they handle food, day before and during the day
Morning of
During the morning I hung around and helped Todd out, then fed for the lap. He finished around 12:10pm, I then got ready and was on the training by 12:20. I used an Imac with Trance - during the warm up I felt off. More nervous than usual and worried about my legs getting sore. I brought my heart up to 160 twice and mostly rode at 135 - 145.
Note: think I should shorten the warm up to 20 mins and be more structured with it. Also - do no use music during the warm up - this was a new addition and probably amped me - which probably had something to do with the blowup later on. The purpose of the warm up is not to get psyched - just warm up.
This was an enduro course (first one I've ridden), it was a 28km loop - and expert does 2 - that's 56km. Longest course for me ever. 1st ¾ of the lap was rolling single track and double track - fast stuff. Last ¼ was 5 single or granny climbs back to back - very tough my anyones standards (impossible by most). Making up about an 1hr 15 or 20mins minute lap. Game plan was to ride fast but steady and save yourself for the climbs.
The race
On the way to the race, talked to John and Chris (vetern expert rides - from Chain Reaction) both gave me the same advice. The pack is going to move fast, don't go out too hard and don't ride too hard during the first ¾ because the climbs are going to need more energy. This was my plan, but I wanted to have good position into the first single track (top of first climb).
At the start I went out hard, but not too hard, stayed back until the climb goes up, then passed 4 or 5 guys and went into the ST in about 6th and HR of about 179 or 180. I could feel my legs - plan was to settle into the pace and see my HR come down to a sustainable level. After the first set of ST, dumped out to DT, moving very quickly hit some sand in the bottom of a sweeping corner - lost control and crashed, sliding into the bushes - inside corner. Rang my bell and cut up my arm and leg - ouch.
Note: Rookie mistake should have slowed for the corner, only a bit - no point in going fast at that moment. Riding smooth is the fastest every time.
After I brushed my self off. I had lost 10 or 12 places. Got rolling and got behind a guy that was moving quite well. With him I bridged up to a pack of about 7 riders. Stayed on them for a while and then took them all at about 40 mins in.
Note: This was not smart - the pack was moving well and I should have stayed with my wheel man and sat in the back for a while. I passed everyone with my HR still at 174 to 176.
By the time I hit the last ¼ of the track I was pretty weak. The pace up to that point had been too fast - essentially a 45mins time trial - just like at Hot August Nights. This makes perfect sense - during that lap I could hold for 175 for the lap. That was my new "race pace" - see previous journal.
Note: Need to be more thoughtful about pacing. When going past 1hr + I can hold 170 to 172 - this is what I should be focused on, and during longer races (like this one) I should bring it down to 168 - 170
So as I headed into the climbs I didn't not feel strong. I granny climbed everything (during pre-riding middle ringed it all). My heart continued to stay very high, although I was moving slow. Lots of riders went by me during the section and I was exhausted. This was around 60 to 75 mins - my HR began to come down - sign of crashing.
So I made it through the climbs - came through the Start Finish and heading out for Lap #2. As I was going up the climb I actually felt ok, nice pace and spin. Came to the top and came up to Chris. Rode with him for a bit and was feeling ok. HR was around 165, he waved my on, and I stepped up the pace a bit - we came to steep climb and Chris passed me. I dug in and by the time I got to the top I was out of gas. From that point on around 1hr 30mins I was in pain and barely holding on. During the rest of the lap I felt pain in my legs, back and overall body (felt like puking) - never felt this bad ever. My heart continued to drop to 150 - 155. At this point I still had the about ½ of the first ¾ of the lap to go. I just pushed on until the end of the first ¾. At about 2 hrs or so I had decided the feed zone at the end of the first ¾ would be the end for me. I just would have killed myself on those climbs and I thought I had learned enough for today - I DNF'd.
Note: I learned to today that no matter how good I feel it is possible to hit the wall. As I warmed up, I thought to myself that I've never hit the wall. I think in the back of my mind this is what I needed to do to take the next step. To see how far I could push myself and to see what happens when you bonk - it had never happened to me before...and now I know.
2hr 20mins
Lap one 1hr 14mins (ave HR 176, max 185)
Lap two - 1hr 6mins to complete ¾
What I learned from this race:
- The longer the race the more it's about pace
- You are not superman and the machine does break
- Need to learn the group I ride with
- Learn from Chris about how to race in expert